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Matcha is the ultimate pre-workout beverage

Matcha Pre Workout

One place matcha can have an incredible impact on your life, is as a Pre-Workout drink. Trust me, the research and results are amazing!

In fact, if you're not using  high-quality matcha as a Pre-Workout drink of choice you’re likely missing out on:

  • 10-40% Increase in calories burned

  • 8-24% Increase in physical endurance

  • Increased oxidization of fat (use more fat as energy)

  • Slower-release of energy, no crash or dips and longer-lasting

  • Balanced blood sugar levels, so you will fewer cravings later on 

  • Huge boost of antioxidants and vitamin c to help your body recover

  • L-Theanine improves focus and mood (who wants to workout in a bad mood?) 

Just one more reason to incorporate high-quality organic matcha into your daily routine! 

Have a great day!

Scientific Resources: